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Writer's pictureYvonne B

She Disciplines Herself: Benefits of Hearing the Word of God.

Updated: Jan 17

Bible intake is the first discipline we will explore in our She Disciplines Herself series. It involves different methods, and one of the primary methods we are going to review is hearing the Word of God. But before we dive into that, let's take a look at some interesting research conducted by the Center for Bible Engagement, which sheds light on the importance of Bible engagement in our lives.

According to the research, when it comes to struggles faced by women in general, fear and anxiety top the list at 66%. Other struggles include unkind thoughts about others (60%), discouragement (52%), spiritual stagnation (50%), and gossip (47%). However, the study revealed that engaging with the Bible can significantly reduce the frequency of these struggles.


The research shows that if a person engages with the Bible four or more times a week, their odds of giving in to temptations decrease. For example, the odds of excessive drinking decreased by 62%, viewing inappropriate content decreased by 59%, relationship issues decreased by 49%, gambling decreased by 45%, anger decreased by 31%, and gossip decreased by 28%. The study also highlighted that engaging with the Bible is beneficial for reducing struggles such as overeating (20%), mishandling money (20%), difficulty forgiving oneself (26%), and many others.


Moreover, the research found that those who engage with the Bible most days of the week demonstrate a more proactive faith. They are more likely to give financially to the church (416%), memorize scripture (407%), disciple others (231%), share their faith (228%), and contribute financially to causes other than their church (218%).

Hearing the Word: A Method of Bible Intake

With these findings in mind, let's turn to Luke 11:24-28. In this passage, Jesus emphasizes the importance of hearing and keeping the Word of God. He says that when an unclean spirit leaves a person, it searches for rest and, finding none, returns to the house it came from. The unclean spirit then brings even more evil spirits, making the person's condition worse than before. Jesus responds to a woman in the crowd who blesses the one who bore and nursed Him, stating that those who hear and keep the Word of God are truly blessed.

This Scripture reinforces the significance of focusing on Bible intake. It helps us gain knowledge and understanding of various topics relevant to our lives, such as finance, parenting, and responding to difficult circumstances. Romans 10:17 reinforces this idea by stating that faith comes by hearing, and hearing comes through the Word of God.

While it is essential to engage with the Scriptures through various methods like reading and studying, hearing the Word of God has its advantages. It can be especially beneficial for better understanding complex passages, as well as for those who prefer auditory learning. Reading the Bible aloud can also enhance comprehension and help us grasp the meaning behind certain verses or passages.


Ultimately, Bible intake through methods like hearing lays a solid foundation for our spiritual growth. It has the power to transform our lives, decrease our struggles, and strengthen our faith. So, let's prioritize engaging with God's Word consistently and experience the peace and joy it brings into our lives.


Join me in the exciting new series, "She Disciplines Herself," on the Wellistik Podcast. Dive deeper into the topic of spiritual discipline and enhance your understanding of the Christian walk. To accompany your journey, grab a copy of "Spiritual Discipline for the Christian Life" by Donald Whitney and the series study guide.

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